SIGWAY à Court-Saint-Étienne!
SIGWAY Sport in Greenways – Sport dans les voies vertes National Multiplier Event in Commune de Court-Saint-Etienne 22/September/2024 Événement national multiplicateur SIGWAY sport dans les voies vertes, à la commune de Court-Saint-Étienne, dans le cadre de la 4e village de la mobilité, dans la Semaine Européenne de la Mobilité. 10:30 Balade à vélo : RAVEL 141, aux sources de la Dyle (29 km). Balade à vélo dans la Valée de la Dyle, encadrée par les Chemins du Rails, principalement via le RAVeL, jusqu’au centre sportif de Genappe puis retour au lieu de départ . 𝟏𝟒𝐡𝟎𝟎 : Présentation du projet SIGWAY par l’Association européenne des Voies Vertes Présentation des principaux résultats du projet européen Erasmus SIGWAY Sport on Greenways, qui vise à promouvoir l’activité physique et le sport sur les voies vertes – RAVEL, avec l’intervention de Mercedes Muñoz Zamora, directrice de l’AEVV. Un aperçu d’exemples internationaux provenant de 6 pays, de programmes sportifs et d’actions concrètes pour promouvoir l’activité physique en vois vertes, et des idées pour organiser vos propres activités. Sport dans les Voies vertes pour la santé, le plaisir et l’environnement ! Co-organisé avec Chemins du Rail avec la collaboration de la commune de Court-Saint-Étienne, que […]
Greenways a great asset for Sport & Physical Activity
SPORT in GREENWAYS – SIGWAY European Stakeholders Multiplier Event: Greenways a great asset for Sport and Physical Activity SIGWAY aims to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways, while raising awareness on environmental issues and circular economy. Moreover, Sigway aims at enhancing sports field employability and local economies. The main aim of the European Stakeholders Multiplier Event is to share the results of the project and strengthen its sustainability. Venue: CULTURAL CENTER HET GASTHUIS – Mother Lutgardis room | Gasthuisstraat 22. Aarschot – Belgium 19th of September 2024 Program Summary 9:15-9:30 Registration 9:30-10:00 Words of Welcome 10:00 – 10:45 Presentations Project presentation_DEFOIN Piloting experiences_each partner Video projection_TREKIFY 10:45-11:15 Coffee break 11:15-12:30 Round Table Include short presentations of good practices from_EGWA experienced stakeholders, and an interactive session with the participants regarding: The great potential of reusing abandoned railways as infrastructure for outdoor sports. How to recover abandoned railways into greenways. How to transform unused greenways into actively used sport infrastructure. Greenways of railway origin as an example of circular economy and support […]
Sustainable mobility in the T4T
Active mobility for Sustainable Tourism Promoting active mobility in the Together for EU Tourism expert group Declarations on Cycling and the Mobility of Tomorrow to guide the future action in the EU. Investments of EUR 4.5 billion planned under Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 for cycling infrastructure, a great opportunity for greenways EGWA contributes to the Transition Pathway for Tourism through its participation in the group of experts with proposals, sharing and disseminating information, and the implementation of the Association’s pledges, basically oriented towards raising awareness, promotion and dissemination of good practices linked to active mobility on greenways. Trough the Togheter 4 EU Tourism informal Commission expert group, (Green subgroup / greening transport Taskforce) EGWA requests more visibility for cycle tourism and rural tourism through which many of the greenways run. The director of the Association regularly participates in activities promoted by the EC related to T4T. Among other the two-year anniversary event in Brussels, in where DG Grow presented the publication Transition pathway Taking stock of progress by 2023 (implementation of the Pledges by stakeholders) available at the different EU languages . The event presentations, as well as the recording of the event are accessible on the event dedicated […]
SIGWAY focus group
Focus group meetings in the framework of the SIGWAY Project. EGWA has organised three meetings, two addressed to Belgian representatives, and the third open to EGWA members at European level. Objective: to analyse and propose actions to transform abandoned railway lines into greenways, and/or better use. The aim of these meetings has been to analyse and propose actions to transform abandoned railway lines into greenways, and/or better use, in the case where they are already transformed, to improve the local economy and revitalise rural areas through sports and for physical and tourist activity EGWA has organised three focus meetings; the first two addressed to Belgian representatives, and the third open to EGWA members at European level. The variety of representatives, with a wide range of real-life experience, has allowed a rich and realistic exchange of points of view. In the case of Wallonia (BE), the priorities are now more focused on the connection of greenways and the improvement of existing ones. This is because the Walloon region has a well-developed and long-established greenway programme – the first greenway route was realised almost 30 years ago, and the vast majority of disused railway lines have already been converted. The progress of […]
SIGWAY pilot activities in Belgium
Two cycling activities on greenways in Wallonia, in Pays de Herve, and Herentals – Aarschot greenway. Get a good idea with the short videos and get your bike ready to enjoy and stay in shape.
Definition of greenways revised in UNECE
Definition of greenways revised in UNECE The EGWA presented a proposal to modify the definition of greenways to UNECE to better reflect the reality of what greenways are. This is the latest proposal included in the Unece documents, that takes up the proposal of the association, and is as follows. Greenway: A greenway is an independent road designated for non-motorized users, including pedestrians and cyclists, signposted as such. Its use might be open to other non-motorized users, for example horseback riders, if signed as such or defined in the national legislation. Explanatory note: This definition is proposed by GE.5. A greenway often follows a canal or a disused railroad. A greenway may include parts of the road dedicated for specific categories of its users, for example a soft shoulder for horseback riders. A greenway sign can be posted either by shared pedestrian/horse rider and cycle track sign or by a dedicated greenway sign, if such exists in the national legislation. Previous definition: Greenway: A greenway is a non-mandatory cycle track independent from the road network, which often follows a canal or a disused railroad. Its use is open to road users as sign posted or defined in the national legislation. […]
SIGWAY next implementation of pilot actions
SIGWAY Sport in Greenways: next implementation of pilot actions on site EGWA, with the support of their members, continue working on the organization of pilot sports and physical activity activities on greenways, as part of the SIGWAY project. Those corresponding to the EGWA are linked to cycling on greenways and aimed at young people. They are planned to be carried out in Belgium, Wallonia and Flanders, 16 and 17 March in: Herve , in collaboration with the Maison de Turisme de Pays d’Herve ; on the RAVEL line 38, winner of the 1st European Greenways Award 2021. Aarschot / Herentals withthe collaboration of the Province of Antwerp , and Café Welkom; on the greenway near Aarschot – Herentals Many thanks to our members, Anne Zinnen director of the Maison De Tourisme de Pays D’Herve, and Kris Rockele, from the outdoor leisure department of the province of Antwerp for their invaluable and essential support in carrying out these actions; without their direct help its realization would not be possible. Furthermore EGWA guides the partners, in this phase of the project, to identify the needs of the potential greenways selected by the project partners in their corresponding countries, for […]
New project proposal on Sustainable tourism for greenways ecosystem
EGWA jointly promoted, with the University of Milan, a new project application for the Single Market Programme (SMP), formerly COSME programme, to widely improve the sustainability of the greenways ecosystem, in particular of SMEs around greenways. The proposal is framed in the call Transitioning to a more sustainable and resilient ecosystem – empowering tourism SMEs (SMP-COSME-2023-TOURSME-01). The Project is called IMPRESSME – IMPRoving Sustainability for greenways-linked SMEs, and has as objective to develop and implement a support system in the greenways ecosystem to greatly advance towards the sustainability of the entire ecosystem (SMEs & territories). It will be carried out through a huge and continued awareness-raising actions on the importance of advancing on the pathway of the sustainability, through the: collection and dissemination of best practices (BP) of reference for policy makers, stakeholders and SMEs; training and capacity building of stakeholders and SMEs; personalized advice to SMEs linked to greenways regarding sustainability (environmental, social, governance), that will help them to carry out an action plan for their transformation; direct aid for the implementation of collaborative plans that improve the competitiveness and positioning of those SMEs in the market, on the basis of sustainability, resilience and capacity of adaptation to changing […]
Travel catalogues and trip ideas for independent travellers
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Practical publications for greenways stakeholders
Best Practice Guide for local services and equipment on greenways
Best praactices guide for greenway services, giving guidance on the necessary provisions for cyclists and people with disabilities, focusing on the facilities and accommodation nearby.
Marketing and Communication of a greenways tourism product
Top ten tips for marketing and communication
Best Practice Guide for Marketing and Communication of a greenways tourism product. The guide exposes in a very practical and operational way the top 10 tips for marketing and communication that should help lead to a successful promotion of a tourism product linked to greenways. Produced in the framework of the Greenways Outdoor project, by the East Belgium Tourism Agency (TAO), a partner within the consortium carrying out the project.
How to make accessible greenways
Key recommendations for making greenways accessible
General Conditions for Accessible Greenways: The brochure will help European greenway planners and managers to develop initiatives aimed at improving accessibility along their routes and making greenways an integrating element for the development of accessible tourism experiences and products.
Accesible Greenways
Best Practice Guide for Accessible Greenways
Best Practice Guide for accessible tourism on greenways, with recommendations on how to facilitate greenway usage by all types of user.